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The firm has been conceived based on the combination of several premises: ethics, mitigation of impersonality and appreciation of the human relationship with the client, relentless pursuit of excellence in the provision of services, personal and professional growth and love for legal practice. Yes, we are passionate about what we do.


In addition to such premises, the key factor which unites us and defines us is the understanding that the success of our law firm, our city, our country, of the society and, at last but not least, to conquer this better world that we all say that we seek for and fight for, depends on affirmative and assertive conducts of general interest. Therefore, our relationships and statements will always be made in the first-person plural: WE.



We believe that the way to be recognized in the profession we chose is by means of full involvement with the client: knowing it well, understanding its characteristics and needs, pursuing constant qualification to provide better services and advice, creating a bond of partnership and trust, and actively and cooperatively participating in its activities and decisions.



Thiago Zioni Gomes

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2002).


Graduate Programs:

Environmental Law – USP (2003);

Real Estate Law – FADISP (2008).


Practice: Civil, Real Estate, Tax, Intellectual Property and Environmental.

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2006).


Graduate Program:

Corporate Law – Mackenzie (2011).


Practice: Corporate, Compliance, Contracts, M&A and Corporate Governance.

Rafael Temporin Bueno
Willians Simon Pires

Undergraduate Program:

Fundação de Ensino Eurípides Soares da Rocha de Marília (2011).


Graduate Programs:

Tax Law – PUC (2015).

Administrative Law – PUC (2020).


EXIN – Privacy and Data Protection

Practice: Tax, Administrative, Regulatory and Data Protection.

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2008).


Graduate Programs:

Labor Law – PUC (2012).

Labor Economy and Union Affairs – UNICAMP (2022).


Practice: Labor and Union Affairs.

Marco Aurélio Faro Melo

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2012).


Graduate Program:

Direito Digital - ITS/UERJ (2021).

Practice: Civil, Regulatory, Contracts, Consumer Relations and Data Protection.

Pedro Henrique Simas

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2008).


Practice: Contracts, Compliance and M&A.

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Ana Carolina Ueda

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2012).

Graduate Program:

Contractual Law – Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2016).


Practice: Contracts, Corporate, Compliance, M&A and Corporate Governance.

Guilherme Rodrigues Manuel

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2015).

Graduate Program:

Direito Eleitoral – PUC-MG (2017).

Direito e Processo Penal - Universidade Dom Bosco (2018).


Practice: Civil Law, Real Estate and Data Protection.

Stefani Ventura Vargas

Undergraduate Program:

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - UFRG (2009).

Graduate Program:

Tax Law – Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários - IBET (2014).


Practice: Tax.

Lívia Stella C. Rodriges


Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC/SP (2017).


Direito do Trabalho – PUC/SP (2021).


Atuação: Trabalhista.

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Thaís Monteiro Costa


Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2023)

Atuação: Contratos. Societário. Compliance.


Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


MBA em Finanças - (COPPEAD)

Atuação: Consultora. Especialista em M&A. Assessoria à Private Equity. Societário. Contratos.

Estrutura abstrata
Fábio Guimarães Corrêa Meyer


Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Atuação: Consultor. Especialista em Direito do Trabalho. Cível.

Estrutura abstrata
Kátia Silene Silva de Araújo


Comunicação Social - Universidade São Judas Tadeu.

Atuação: Administrativo



Administrative Law

Practice in several aspects of public law, such as bids and administrative contracts, concession contracts, permits and authorizations, privatizations, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), Brazilian Federal, State and Municipal Courts of Auditors (Tribunais de Contas), Public Civil Action and Administrative Improbity.

Civil Law

Advice in the several branches of private law (civil liability, obligations, agreements in general, corporate, real estate, consumer, family and succession), both in the scope of consultancy by means of the preparation of legal advice and opinions, and in the scope of settlement of judicial and out-of-court disputes.


Advice in the preparation, review and negotiation of agreements of any kind, and advice for Brazilian or foreign clients of several sizes and sectors. Analysis and negotiation of guarantees, with the development of commercial agreements, technology and intellectual property agreements and prevention and settlement of contract conflicts.


Implementation of compliance measures regarding laws and rules applicable to the business (Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Acts), risk assessment, preparation and review of integrity regulations, policies and programs for the public and private sectors. Advice in internal and external investigations.

Corporate Law

Advice for Brazilian and international companies in the preparation and review of documents required for the implementation and daily development of your business. Support and advice in stockholders’ meetings and shareholders’ meetings, meetings of the board of directors, in the organization of corporate books and in the preparation of articles of incorporation and by-laws and shareholders’ agreements. Representation of foreign shareholders, incorporation, change, transformation and restructuring of companies, family and succession planning, establishment of joint ventures and implementation of corporate governance rules.

Environmental Law

Litigious advice by means of the negotiation and preparation of Conduct Adjustment Agreements (in Portuguese, Termos de Ajustamento de Conduta, TAC) and administrative proceedings and actions at law. Consultancy aiming at preventing and/or repairing potential contingencies, including legal opinions, due diligence for the assessment of environmental liabilities and measures related to licenses and permits.

Intellectual Property

Preventive and litigious advice involving the transfer of technology, brands, patents and industrial designs, scientific, literary and artistic works, and software.

Labor Relations and Union Affairs

Preventive legal advice in order to avoid and mitigate business risks. Practice in administrative and judicial litigation, with involvement in each client’s operations and focus on relevant and strategic issues. Experience in investigations, M&A, due diligence, relationship with employers and professional unions. Expertise in individual and collective labor claims, preparatory procedures, infraction notices and public civil suits. Preparation of compensation, retention and incentive plans, profit sharing, stock options and bonuses. Review of internal policies, career and salary structures and company's regulations. Support in plannig the outsourcing of services and in contracting suppliers.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Advice for the conduct of mergers and acquisitions operations, as of its initial negotiations, with the preparation and review of non-disclosure agreements (NDA), letters of intent (LOI) and memoranda of understanding (MOU), conduct of and assistance in legal audits (due diligences), negotiation of agreements, risk assessment and definition of the proper structuring for the operation’s formalization, up to follow-up of its implementation. Advice for and assistance in the granting of approvals required for the transaction’s completion, such as from CADE, Bacen and regulatory agencies.

Real Estate Law

Advice in demands involving the purchase, sale, lease, donation or barter of urban and rural properties, real estate projects, investment funds and developments, administrative rectification of land and issues relating to public registries.

Regulatory Law

Preventive and litigious advice in issues involving regulatory agencies and bodies (Anvisa, ANS, Aneel, Anatel, ANP, SUSEP, Inmetro) of the many economy sectors – energy, healthcare and sanitary surveillance, telecommunications, oil and gas, transport, insurance.

Tax Law

Advice for individuals and legal entities (both Brazilian and foreign) with regard to the construction and applicability of tax rules in the federal, state and municipal scopes. Tax planning and structuring of corporate operations (M&A, corporate restructuring etc.). Practice in advisory proceedings and litigations in the administrative and legal scopes.



#2220, Angélica Avenue • 5th floor • cj. 53

CEP 01228-200 • Consolação • São Paulo/SP

Phone: +55 11 2387-2470

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